Homeowner Associations Paint Color Projects
Homeowner Associations Paint Colors
Homeowner Associations paint color projects typically benefit their communities by keeping an overall cohesive, complimentary appearance. Depending on the Homeowner Associations (HOA) size and philosophy, HOAs typically offer their homeowner members 3 or more paint color palette choices. So how does The Color Coach Palm Desert select Homeowner Associations paint colors? The Color Coach Palm Desert uses a proven method of choosing paint colors for residential exteriors. We consider factors such as roof color, hardscapes, the association’s architectural detailing, windows and your surrounding area.
The Color Coach Palm Desert is experienced in working with dozens of Homeowner Associations and their boards throughout the Coachella Valley. Once the paint color palettes are selected, professional paint color samples and portfolio worksheets for paint color placement are provided in written reports. Oral presentations are available upon request. Let us show you how a professional paint color selection will improve and update your community’s appearance.
Homeowner Associations Project Gallery
Below is a representative sampling of our Homeowner Associations paint color projects.

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We love new paint color project consultations! Just give us your contact information plus a general idea of your paint color project, and we will be happy to give you a FREE estimate of our consultation fee for your project!

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Just complete the contact information form and we would be happy to refer you to our reliable licensed, bonded & insured painting contractors. Whether you use our referral or not, check out these tips on Hiring the Right Painting Contractor.